Tuesday, November 8, 2005

Cool Poptropica Outfit Ideas


Behold, depressions and zero demon problems. These are all the flicks I've done and have seen the light of the Internet.

Aha, I need an URGENT update on this. It has taken me to keep my editions and other flicks on the net. And yet entercada follow him and follow him.

flicks Not all links are to date, and is very likely that most are in the format youtube, a site that seems to sympathize with my situation.

'll leave the links to the videos, those who still serve, on the other, when you read youtube aware of the following:

The video is made to be viewed on-line PEROOOOOOO in a beautiful Danny Phantom forum gave me a trick to save the videos and drool when you want on my PC.

First I recommend to be patient and while downloading the video they want to see on-line, while down the following program: The Riva FLV Encoder ( http://www.download.com/Riva-FLV -Encoder/3000-2140-10320097.html? part = dl-RivaFLVEn & subj = dl & tag = button ) this program is to transform videos. flv files avi,. wmv,. mpg or. mov

When you downloaded the program and have seen the video on line, they have two options: One, go to Temporary Internet, find the file, copy it, paste it wherever they wish and then rename it. Or else, go to this address: http://javimoya.com/blog/youtube_en. php and where it says: MOST Download direct from video sites: Copy the link of the page with the video on it and paste it here in the box below, paste the URL from youtube, address where it says VIDEO URL (Permalink) and has the Formaro http://youtube.com / watch.php _aqui_va_codigo_video

For example: (this is the link to my flick Always) http://youtube.com/watch?v=UiPEj1fOmlI this direction, once you have seen the video on-line, you can go to temporary Internet and find the file whose address UiPEj1fOmll say or else to click the link http://javimoya.com/blog/youtube_en.php and paste the address to click on Download , then lower will see a button that says Download Link in which you will right click, save target as and named como_deseen . flv

Although the link recommends another program, I've tried Riva FLV and it works very well. With Riva can change the video format and ready ^ O ^ see the video without being connected to the Internet.

And to put a little more order in this LJ (as I learn to manage it better ^. ~


With the ending of Dummy movie: Starship ~ Nothing gonna stop us now (youtube format, read up if you want on your computer forever)

AiM ~ Days - The love and simple ( youtube format, see above if you have it forever) With one of the opening of Digimon 03, Days, singer AiM.'s In Japanese subtitle in English ... be patience and obsession of mine XD

Different Group Signs ~ If you knew ( youtube format, see above if you have it forever) Another flick with Spoilers Goblet of Fire, and the song of my compatriots, Different Signs Group and the song If You Knew. n__n appears

Viktor Krum

Fire Inc. ~ Tonight is What It Means to Be Young Link by chentxu a (right click, save as)

And another link to the same flick, I n__n glitches gave

Fire Inc. ~ Tonight is What It Means to Be Young Link two graces by hand (right click, save as)

La Oreja Van Gogh ~ Peace your eyes is with English subtitles in English thanks to fandom who have supported me greatly format (youtube)

The next soundtrack is the one in the fourth movie, called "Harry Potter's Love" and coincidentally (or not? XDDDD) sounds in the movie when Hermione comes down the stairs to the dance and seeing Harry is abobadísimo. (It taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan romantic!) but perhaps much mellow fans upset at the last minute changed the song to Harry Potter's Winters Oo but I still LOVE

I did a flick with that soundtrack, I used the 3 movies, scenes Hr-H of course, I also used scenes from the 4th movie trailers, and the start and end with the dance scene. Because it is a precious moment and Harry 'realize' ^___^ and letting of verbiage:

OTS ~ Harry Potter GoF's Love ^ o ^ [info] yolaura already! ( youtube format, read up if you want on your PC forever)

Felix Valentino ~ Loves Province, flick composed of images from fanarts and pictures of the actors. If sleep is not my fault XD (Format Youtube to have it forever on your PC, see above)

La Oreja de Van Gogh and Alex Ubago ~ No Fear nothing (flick with youtube format, see above if you want on your computer forever) has a scene at the end makes me think of things only permissible for children, but make no mistake: It was ALFONSO CUARÓN who directed the scene and I know he does nothing to chance. And it was beautiful to my soul Warner who gave that scene at the end. Look at the fight Buckbeak-Lupin_lobo BUT not look at them but the two people whose shadows are noted ^ O ^ and tell me what to do, eh?

Owarinai Yume ~ Unending Dream, Ending the series Inu-Yasha (right click, save as) Flick in Japanese with subtitles in English

Flick made Last Always - Bon Jovi ( Format Youtube , read above if you want to be saved on the computer) Bon Jovi ~ Always Flick, with a final scene that appeared in the film and I pray it comes out on DVD extras because I'm dying of excitement!

Flick Charter (right click, save as) Hermione Flick sending a letter to Harry, flick to [info] andrea_sumeragi a happy holiday return ^ . ~

StarShip is the flick, Nothing gonna stop us now - English subtitles (right click, save as) translation requested by my dear friend [info] yolaura -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- SECTION


Evolution Theme Brave Heart ~ ~ Flick Taiora (right click, save as)

------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------


Dedicated with all my heart to the readers precious fandom "Hey, Arnold" I have lifted the mood with each of his words.

Flick Fey ~ He ~ H & A (right click, save as)

---------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- SECTION

MP 3

This is where I find the songs used in my FICTS. To hear you have to first open the link, then you'll see the option to download the song. Fict

summary: Harry attends a wedding .... Song: Coward ~ John Dennis

Fict summary: Potter kidnaps the love of his life Song: I think ~ Salsa Kid's

Fict summary: A young girl tells a story Song: My half half ~ Rey Ruiz

Fict summary: The chestnut tree is different, as are people Song: Thought and Word ~ Victor Manuelle

Fict summary: perspective of a young man who loves a girl Song: Like a star ~ Victor Manuelle

Fict summary: A feeling unites two People Song: Amiga ~ Miguel Bosé

Fict summary: Fict containing lemon, I say no more Song: Maybe ~ Paulina Rubio

Fict summary: share from all to breath ^. ~ Song: Tell me your ear ~ La Oreja de Van Gogh

Fict summary: was only a matter of time ... will meet again Song: Amores Provincia Félix Valentino ~

Fict summary: A story, a farewell ... and more = P Song: Count Me ~ Gang

Fict summary: there something you want to say ... Song: Secrets ~ Alejandro Lerner

I welcome your constructive criticism.

Les wants


Wednesday, August 24, 2005

What Does A Brazilian Cost?

mochine @ 2005-08-24T22: 52:00

Now, fuck off.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Leopard Print Bedroom

It strikes me, someone took all the coffee in my house today I was playing area, and took tea when I ate sushi (and ssssaaakkeee), happy, cute tea cup peach;)

Community Service Court Letters

No coffee! Introducing Par

The ghost of Christmas.

Today I was reminded of someone when I used them.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Masterlock Combination Generator


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any big changes? My mind curosea in cafes as a cat who has just discovered that he can leave.
I have written today, a poem, was already 2 or 3 years since I wrote a poem, with the exception of a farewell to a deceased ex-girlfriend.

I am writing today to the first dark-skinned woman I ever liked in my life. A woman coffee, a woman who takes the little details and descriptions make a revolution. A woman drunk with mint, chocolate and a touch of style.

Today broke the routine, I broke my hand in order to escape old habits descriptive, not today change or evolve, today, I just open myself to feel.

+ Par +

I like the way your earrings hang from your ears,
gives you a feel so organic, that makes me want to spend my life watching you.

It is not only the universe, or concept.
are situations, feelings and anxieties that make me suffer for NOT know what will happen.

not remind me of someone, but inevitably I see you feel peace, makes me happy, I caught.
Slowly, I think of it, I realize that I love the idea that my mind is there ... Let me dream


me feel,

Fly me,

Make like you may be organic,

and when there

let me down, give me

Make me of those moments, like a smell around without harassment.

do not need anything, my mind and started playing, and I know
not let me.

A pair is two, but you can have two without one,
Since my mind seems to create more of what seems to control.
But, if I could control it, not dream, and not suffer.

That beautiful feelings!

beautiful is the pain!

My daughter no longer be called Alizee, as he had thought, now called "Tabetha".

Monday, August 15, 2005

How To Install Reason 3

HAPPY! Quest

Comments the 1st Task Analytical
Ubaldo. Excellent job.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Tractor Brush For Sale Northern Ireland

What was the lie about sex more stupid than someone told you that you have believed in your life?

Ralph Lauren Furnishings Toronto

Make me a

Ask me to take a picture about Something (1-infinity). And i will just
Have to take it Without Giving excuses, and i will post it as soon as i get it.

How To Fix Motorola V1100

Photowhore Done in 30 minutes.

Custom Molded Ear Monitors

mochine @ 2005-08-10T09: 13:00

1. Reply with your name and I'll respond with something random about
2. I'll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.
3. I'll pick a flavor of jello to wrestle with you in. I reserve the
right to name a champion.
4. I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me.
5. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory of you.
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something that I've always wondered about you.
8. If I do this for you, you must post this on your journal. You MUST.

[info] wizelf :
1. You are a fanatic of Eternal Sunshine... but you haven't told me why
When I first added you, I was reading about a concert of Cafe Tacuba in
Mexico City, so your black and white picture reminds of Re, the album.
3. I pass on this one...
4. Let's see if the second floor of AMLO's project will stand an 7.0
Only what you posted in the Viva Mexicanos community, I still don't
know you that much, but ask me this again in few months :)
6. Same as above
7. Why do you use LiveJournal?
8. If I do this for you, you must post this on your journal. You MUST.

Monday, August 8, 2005

What Causes Dark Skin Around Eyes

mochine @ 2005-08-08T14: 57:00

[info] wizelf
Si ahora que this study have no social life outside the university
less. Then even more difficult so take


[info] mochine interesting thing is that today after the first class hour and a half, had an hour and a half off, so I went for a coffee at Starbucks, and they serve me said, Where you been? I think it was a great start for a week antisocial.

who drink coffee in a social at 8:30 am should not make posts of antisocial behavior.

Mtd 13ai675h062, Blade

mochine @ 2005-08-08T05: 32:00

And today, I begin a new semester, ha, you're wondering what am I doing here?
God study systems are 5:31 am, you expect he was doing.


-.-! Raise your hand

Friday, August 5, 2005

Land Speed Motorcycle Racing Tires


the one I believe that the Caesar salad is food for people Vegetarian (ovo-lacto-vegetarian)

Thursday, August 4, 2005

Blue And Green Laser Scanner


If you could be the opposite sex for 1 day what would you wear?

"Definitely one of those bathing suits" complete (no bikinis) "blacks do not know why but I always have been interesting.

Et vous?

Wednesday, August 3, 2005

Herpes Facialis Fotos


Rosier says:
no wey is that I discovered something horrible
-> mochine \u0026lt;- says: you discover that you changed
the law?

Tuesday, August 2, 2005

Vitamins That Cause Smelly Urine

mochine @ 2005-08-02T11: 24:00

And spoil a little look at what I bought
I if I am a fan, I am a man that matters, gilmore girls rules!

pity it will take a month to get my package to Mexico, no honor.

Monday, August 1, 2005

Puppy Sayings For Birthday Invitations

mochine @ 2005-08-01T23: 05:00

is the first time a throat doctor sees me and says: That horror! At this time hurts a buttock injections blessed again today I got 39 of temperature, but I hope to have more fun night today. Snif

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Katesplayground Cuffed

mochine @ 2005-07-30T10: 26:00

in an hour I'm going to pull out a wisdom tooth, but yesterday I spent in a bar jijijiji pkm

* Edit: It took me, take me on Monday probably *

Sunday, July 24, 2005

¿cómo Se Mete A Littlest Petshop Vips?

mochine @ 2005-07-24T23: 42:00

o1. Favorite scent: Incense, skin.

o2. Favorite way to relax: Bath

o3. Favorite movie(s) you own: Eternal Sunshine

o4. Favorite movie you don't already own:All about lily chou chou but it's going to be mine next week

o5. Favorite male movie star: Billy Corgan with the Smashing Pumpkins, not that solo shit.

o6. Favorite female movie star: Lily Chou Chou.

o7. Favorite book genre: Way too descriptive ones.

o8. Favorite clothing store: The one's with black things!

o9. Favorite non-clothing store: Amazon

10. Favorite cartoon character: Lain

11. Favorite CD you own: Mellon Collie and the infinite Sadness

12. Favorite CD You Do not Already Own: The new smashing pumpkins cd That When They Should arrive join again.

13. Pass the torch and tag five of your LJ friends!: Five? no not five.
[info] kosmik_witch [info] serabelle and of course my dear Anaid, so do not give up on your lj posts [info] anishka

Thursday, July 21, 2005

How To Play Tech Deck Live

After going for a while now galleries:

invitations are always fun flash:

The trouble is that as are I can never be late; D

How Long Is Oxycontin In Your Air

mochine @ 2005-07-21T11: 06:00

And today, I started for the third time this scheme there might not like me already 2 times, I hope the third time is the charm.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Do All Blu Ray Players Upconvert

mochine @ 2005-07-18T00: 45:00

Think in green, you owe it to me baby.

Minute Clinic Logo Black And White

The truth about Shakespeare.

could leave a note as I learned that there Romeos in this life, but I'd love it there Juliets. There are only things, and actions. People, opportunities and realities. With years of delay declare that spark that you lived, but the sparks (contrary to popular belief) does not disappear, yours I have it stored in a safe box. A salvo of reality ...

Ocean City Senior Week Rentals 2010

For new friends on my list (especially españolitos almost do not know me):


Play the same CD many times in my car for days. Smoking
watching the stars at night
Dream (Dream rarely)
Going to the movies obsessively, though I have a week off and I look and see .... The Smashing Pumpkins
! Painting with oil

Remove Photo
Sitting in a coffee morning in drawing in my notebook
Be quietly on a table while people watch. Observe
small details of things
Naming my personal favorites. (My laptop is named Lola, my journal [book] , Sophie had a scarf called Fernanda, and my camera is called Lilia (only female names of course.
Like instead of saying, I got angry or panicked say: I went to so apocalyptic.
is a challenge to people laugh in every conversation.
I like to dream that I'm going on vacation alone.
burn incense in my room
Look into the eyes of the people (unless you're in love with them because if so, I can not)
Paste pictures of people (situations) important on my wall.
A Paz Vega!
When I get coffee like a friend and not a client
Trying to think how to program everything in this world.
that people comment on my LJ (if not, kick, kick and do not want a "oh yeah?)


people do over and over again the same mistakes even when you have fixed
People going to a Chinese restaurant and eat with a fork
Oh, and all those songs antañeras
When people you abandondan
The food debris (I'm obsessive then whenever I have to finish all I ask, if not equal and I'll take it)
normal Coca (ewww very sweet). The pictures of landscapes you might as well look better in a photo.
wipers corners.
The people who exploit children
As most of the time I buy something when I finally buy it and not
The dvd's that are expensive and not worth that price. Paty Chapoy

JuanJo and people who are prejudiced nonsense about people.
People who always asks for cigarettes every day
When people promise to call and it does not.

And you, what do you hate?

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Funny Wedding Invitation Wording Verses

List of films I've seen this week:

q (Japanese)
expecting a bit more but Takashi Miike, never ceases to amaze with the things he does, definitely a director is not for everyone.

Eternal Love (French)
I can clearly see that I have a crush on Audrey Tautou, is that smile! smile!

All about Lily Chou Chou
(Japanese) \u0026lt;"I liked it so much and asked for amazon.

Akira Kurosawa's Dreams
(Japanese)'s father but not my favorite.

2 seasons Futurama (movies do not count obviously)

Alien Resurrection (Directors cut) do not know why the majority does not like, is really cool and interesting things. Tomorrow I'll see

Rendez Vous (French) Although it makes me so excited

I'm dying to see Amélie, but Edmundo has my dvd: (

I want to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory !!!!!!!!! !!
Ah, Pero aún más quiero ver Sin City!!!!!

Si alguién no sabe que peli rentar renten All about Lily chou chou, o tmb, obviamente "Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind
Ahora me voy a pintar !

pics soon I can I'm doing another picture.