Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Checkerboard Lace Your Shoes


the 6th Meeting Summary MUCC CHILE [28/02/2009]

List of Attendees:


Yokan 4.-5.-6.-Gackuta
Yukyshiky Camui
9 - Tetsu
10 .- Walter Hey_pato

11 .- 12 .- 13.-Yoko
16 .- 17.-Ni ~ ya

AIED 18.-19.-898 784 485 (Saki )

Yuuki 20.-21.-22.-Rina

spoken Topics:

1-Fees Fan Club

At the meeting on Friday, January 16 enrollees agree to pay in the fan club a fee of $ 1000 per month to cover expenses of the fan club as banners, posters or other materials for dissemination group. Of the participants who paid their share are the following:

1 - Zero
2 - Kuro
3 - Rocker
4 - Walter
5 - Rina
6 - Kyo
7 - Yokan
8 - Yukyshiky
9 - Ruki
10 - Tooru
11 - Gacku
12 - Klaha
13 - Eru
14 - Micky
15 - Kumi
16 - Ni-

and spend a total of: $ 16,000

Plus a remainder from money from the things we buy to drink that day: $ 625

far we have a total of: $ 16,625

hope that lack even catch up with the quotas in the next board or as soon as possible we really need the money for cd's pendóny (hereinafter leerány read these last two which is the purpose of your purchase).


managers were admonished broadcast since that team has not been working very well, add more people to support more mass media and fotolog and Factbook Furthermore, it is to create a standard for content moderation and how to upload images, apart from using the sub distribution board forever!, for that is the slightest doubt that they have.

addition to working more in different media by posting news of the band, because that will serve and will be found in any search engine like Google.

3-Noix Next Event (March 14, 2009)

It released the fan club that made us noix invitation to participate as a fan club for the next event they held on 14 March, by way of patching the cut suffered in the Jan. 4 event, so we have a sort of 20 minutes to make videos. On this occasion noix not advertise the special mini mucc so our job is to move and make people know that we will present that day.

Election 3.1 5 videos: for the event estimated time is 20 minutes would reach a place 5 videos, of which 2 are already ready:

- Daremo Inai Live from Live Chronicles ie I

- Zetsubou PV

The 3 remaining 1 more videos would be a live and the other 2 PV's would be ideal for obvious things that another pv's Sora is chosen to ito so you have to choose soon that PV and that live is missing for the fan sub put himself to work on them. 3.2

Stand for that day

Like the last time the idea is to take stand to display and advertise the band and the fan club is needed here as before:

- Notebook's
- audio system (speakers)

3.3 Dissemination of the fan club of the event:

born the idea of copying a little noix theme of giving records a certain number of tickets, as we believe it would be a good way to spread mucc, and we decided to buy 100 cds to make a hard copy that we have put together with material from the band, can be a couple of pv'sy some disk.

The idea is to hand over 50 on Friday, 13 disks out of the euro and the other 50 the day of the event.

The idea is that the album is also a group flayer.

also need to make a banner with the logo of the fan club for the day of the event, we hope that the money that was collected in fees available to buy the CDs and pay the banner.

On the banner the kuro'm making a contribution, in fact this should be super quick because time is short.

The cd's we will meet on Monday 9 to purchase and must be split for burning to all so it's important to be that day.


The polerón already has a date, a maximum term was given to raise the money between now and April 15, the ideal is that there must be a self minimum of about 15 interested parties to go wholesale so far the contribution made by the saki said some time ago are maso least $ 12,000 each, but the Kuro is going to make another contribution to see if it comes out cheaper, the idea is that anyone who can contribute do so.

5 - Reminder Buy original material in July

reminder that anyone who wants to buy the original material of mucc by CDJapan put a date on July 30 to raise $ 30,000 qu is what comes about an original disk Now if you want a single out a bit cheaper, any question of prices and the available material entering CDJapan to be quoted:


That if they should consider that the price you see is ONLY disk, does not including the cost of shipping is the one that urges the disc as it comes out around 1400 yen


qualifying was talking a bit to where we should focus as a fan club to achieve the larger objective chile mucc to bring some Diaye for that we must work hard to recruit people or do market research or rather through segmentation Facebook surveys and others to know who would be willing to pay a ticket to see mucc, as for a concert to be "profitable" or rather affordable, we need at least 800 people willing to actually go see mucc, so the spread has to run strong

7 - Hosting and Domain

expected in July with the money we collected from the fees have the necessary amount to finally have ours. cl and hosting our own =)!


Bye bye ~ ~


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